On the search for an espresso machine? Check out the Breville Bambino Plus Espresso Machine!

Breville Bambino Plus Espresso Machine: A Comprehensive Review

Key Takeaways:

  • The Breville Bambino Plus is a compact and efficient espresso machine that delivers barista-quality coffee.
  • It features an automatic milk frother, precise temperature control, and a user-friendly interface.
  • The machine is designed for both beginners and experienced baristas, offering customization and convenience.

Introduction to the Breville Bambino Plus

The Breville Bambino Plus espresso machine is a testament to the brand's commitment to quality and innovation. This compact espresso machine is designed to bring the third wave specialty coffee experience into the comfort of your home. With its ability to produce rich and complex flavors, the Breville Bambino Plus stands out as a top contender in the market of home espresso machines.

Set up your Breville Bambino Plus Espresso Machine

Compact Design & Build Quality

The Breville Bambino Plus boasts a small footprint, making it an ideal choice for those with limited countertop space. Its brushed stainless steel exterior not only gives it a sleek and modern look but also ensures durability. Despite its compact size, the machine does not compromise on the quality of its components, from the stainless steel milk jug to the sturdy drip tray.

The Espresso Making Process

one cup of whole coffee bean and one ground
The Espresso Making Process

Making espresso with the Breville Bambino Plus is a seamless process. The machine features a ThermoJet heating system that reaches the optimum extraction temperature in just three seconds. The low pressure pre-infusion gradually increases the pressure to ensure precise temperature control and optimal water pressure for a full-bodied coffee.

Precision Dosing & Grind Size

The precision dosing tool provided with the Bambino Plus helps in achieving the right dose of freshly ground beans every time. The importance of grind size is also addressed, with the machine delivering consistent results that rival much more expensive machines. This attention to detail is what sets the Breville Bambino Plus apart from other entry-level machines.

Milk Frothing Capabilities

One of the standout features of the Breville Bambino Plus is its automatic milk frother. The machine offers adjustable milk temperature settings and milk foam settings, allowing users to create everything from a velvety microfoam suitable for latte art to a more robust froth for cappuccinos. The automatic steam wand ensures hands-free milk frothing, making it a breeze to prepare your favorite milk-based beverages.

Temperature Control & Consistency

close up of espresso dripping out
Temperature Control & Consistency

The Breville Bambino Plus boasts a PID temperature control, a crucial element of its heating system. This feature aids in maintaining a steady temperature throughout the brewing cycle, which is essential for extracting the coffee's complete flavor profile. This espresso machine can guarantee precise temperature control sets it apart from other compact models in the market.

Water Tank & Maintenance

The Bambino Plus comes with a removable water tank that is easy to fill and clean. Maintenance is further simplified with the inclusion of a cleaning tool and cleaning disc. The machine also features a tiny drip tray, which, while compact, is simple to remove and clean, ensuring that the machine remains hygienic and functional over time.

Energy Efficiency

Breville has designed the Bambino Plus to be energy efficient, consuming less energy annually compared to other machines. This is not only beneficial for the environment but also for your electricity bills. The quick heat-up time and automatic shut-off feature contribute to the machine's energy-saving capabilities.

Customization & User Experience

The Bambino Plus offers volumetric shot control, allowing users to customize the volume of their espresso shots. The simple interface of the machine makes it accessible to beginners, while experienced baristas will appreciate the ability to fine-tune their coffee to their exact preferences. The machine strikes a balance between ease of use and customization options.

Innovative Steam Wand Technology in the Breville Bambino Plus

Innovative Steam Wand Technology in the Breville Bambino Plus
Innovative Steam Wand Technology in the Breville Bambino Plus

The Breville Bambino Plus espresso machine sets itself apart with its advanced steam wand technology, a feature that is crucial for achieving the perfect milk texture for latte art. Unlike other home espresso machines, the Bambino Plus boasts an automatic steam wand that allows users to create velvety microfoam milk with ease. This steam wand is designed to ensure precise temperature control and optimal milk frothing, which is essential for both taste and visual presentation of milk-based espresso drinks.

Furthermore, the steam wand's ability to produce true microfoam milk is a testament to Breville's commitment to third wave specialty coffee standards. The Bambino Plus's steam wand operates with a level of precision typically found in much more expensive machines, offering both pre-set milk temperature settings and milk foam settings. This allows users to customize their milk texture to suit their preferences, whether they are aiming for a silky flat white or a frothy cappuccino. The hands-free milk frothing function also adds to the convenience, making it accessible even for beginners.

Advanced Heating System: ThermoJet Technology in the Breville Bambino Plus

The Breville Bambino Plus espresso machine stands out with its advanced ThermoJet heating system, which significantly reduces the time it takes to reach the optimum extraction temperature. Unlike more traditional systems that can take minutes to warm up, the Bambino Plus is ready to brew in a mere 3 seconds. This rapid heating capability ensures that even the busiest coffee enthusiasts can enjoy a cup of full-bodied coffee without the wait. The ThermoJet system not only accelerates the brewing process but also maintains precise temperature control, crucial for extracting rich and complex flavors from freshly ground beans.

In addition to speed, the ThermoJet heating system contributes to the machine's energy efficiency. By heating water on-demand, the Breville Bambino Plus espresso machine conserves energy annually compared to machines with larger boilers that keep water hot continuously. This feature is particularly appealing to environmentally conscious consumers who are looking to reduce their carbon footprint without compromising on the quality of their home-brewed espresso. The compact footprint of the Bambino Plus, combined with its energy-efficient operations, makes it an ideal choice for those with limited countertops space who still desire a premium coffee experience.

Enhanced Digital Interface: The Breville Bambino Plus's Leap into User-Friendly Technology

Breville espresso maker with single cup of espresso
Enhanced Digital Interface: The Breville Bambino Plus's Leap into User-Friendly Technology

The Breville Bambino Plus espresso machine distinguishes itself with an enhanced digital interface that simplifies the coffee-making process. This interface allows users to easily adjust milk temperature settings and milk foam settings, ensuring that each cup of coffee is tailored to personal preferences. The clear, intuitive display reduces the learning curve for new baristas, allowing them to craft rich and complex flavors without the intimidation often associated with high-end espresso makers. The Bambino Plus's commitment to user-friendly technology positions it as a leader among compact espresso machines.

In addition to its simple interface, the Breville Bambino Plus boasts a feature that is a nod to the third wave specialty coffee movement: the precision dosing tool. This tool aids in delivering the ideal dose of freshly ground beans, which is crucial for achieving full-bodied coffee with optimum extraction. The digital interface works in tandem with this tool, providing feedback and guidance to ensure precise temperature control and optimal water pressure. This harmonious blend of technology and manual precision exemplifies the Bambino Plus's ability to cater to both novice and experienced coffee enthusiasts.

Enhanced Single Wall Filter Basket: The Secret to Full-Bodied Espresso

The Breville Bambino Plus espresso machine takes the art of espresso to new heights with its enhanced single wall filter baskets. Designed for the coffee aficionado, these baskets are engineered to accommodate the ideal dose of freshly ground beans, ensuring optimum extraction temperature for a full-bodied coffee experience. The precision dosing tool complements the single wall basket, allowing for a meticulous grind size calibration, which is crucial for unlocking the rich and complex flavors that third wave specialty coffee enthusiasts chase.

Moreover, the single wall filter baskets are a testament to Breville's commitment to professional-grade quality in a compact espresso machine. Unlike the more forgiving dual wall baskets found in entry-level machines, the Bambino Plus's single wall baskets challenge home baristas to refine their technique to achieve the perfect espresso shot. This feature underscores the machine's ability to cater to both novice users and seasoned espresso makers, bridging the gap between convenience and the pursuit of espresso perfection.

The Bambino Plus's Steam Wand: A Leap Towards Barista-Quality Milk Froth

automatic steam wand on espresso machine
The Bambino Plus's Steam Wand: A Leap Towards Barista-Quality Milk Froth

The Breville Bambino Plus distinguishes itself with an automatic steam wand capable of delivering velvety microfoam milk that's essential for latte art. This innovative feature allows users to adjust milk temperature settings and milk foam settings, providing control over the texture of the froth. Whether you're aiming for a silky smooth latte or a creamy cappuccino, the steam wand's precision ensures precise temperature control and aeration for true microfoam milk, rivaling even the most expensive machines.

In addition to its performance, the steam wand's design reflects Breville's attention to detail. The tiny drip tray and stainless steel milk jug are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional, ensuring that the machine maintains a small footprint on countertops. The automatic milk frother is hands-free, allowing home baristas to focus on other tasks while the Bambino Plus works its magic. With this level of milk frothing capability, the Breville Bambino Plus espresso machine empowers users to create café-quality drinks in the comfort of their own home.

Smart Storage Solutions: Maximizing Space with the Breville Bambino Plus

Despite its small footprint, the Breville Bambino Plus espresso machine is ingeniously designed to maximize space through smart storage solutions. The tiny drip tray, for instance, is a testament to the machine's compact design, yet it remains highly functional for everyday use. This thoughtful design element ensures that the Bambino Plus can comfortably fit on countertops without sacrificing valuable space, making it an ideal choice for those with limited kitchen real estate. The compact espresso machine's ability to deliver high-quality espresso in such a condensed form factor is a remarkable feat of engineering.

Furthermore, the Breville Bambino Plus doesn't compromise on accessories due to its size. It includes a stainless steel milk jug, a cleaning tool, and single wall filter baskets, all designed to be stored neatly within the machine's sleek dimensions. The inclusion of a cleaning disc and coffee filter baskets further demonstrates Breville's commitment to convenience and efficiency. Users can enjoy the luxury of a full espresso setup without the clutter typically associated with home espresso machines. The Bambino Plus's smart storage solutions are a clear indication that Breville machines are designed with the home barista's needs in mind.

Volumetric Shot Control: Precision at Your Fingertips

One touch Breville buttons on espresso machine
Volumetric Shot Control: Precision at Your Fingertips

Precision is paramount when crafting the perfect espresso, and the Breville Bambino Plus espresso machine delivers with its volumetric shot control. This feature allows users to program their desired shot volume for consistent results every time. Whether you prefer a single shot of espresso or a double, the Bambino Plus ensures precise volumetric control, giving you the power to replicate your favorite coffee shop experience at home. The volumetric control works in tandem with the machine's PID temperature control and low pressure pre-infusion to ensure that each cup of coffee is brewed to perfection, highlighting the full flavor profile of the beans.

The Breville Bambino Plus's attention to detail extends to the milk frothing process as well. With automatic milk frother and adjustable milk temperature settings, users can create velvety microfoam milk that is ideal for latte art. The machine's steam wand operates with a level of precision typically found in much more expensive machines, allowing for the creation of true microfoam that is both visually appealing and texturally perfect. The combination of volumetric shot control and advanced milk frothing capabilities positions the Breville Bambino Plus as a leader among compact espresso machines, offering barista-level performance in a user-friendly package.

The Bambino Plus's Impact on the Home Barista Experience

cup of espresso over coffee beans
The Bambino Plus's Impact on the Home Barista Experience

The Breville Bambino Plus espresso machine has significantly elevated the home barista experience by combining a compact footprint with professional-grade features. Its small footprint means it occupies much less space on countertops, making it an ideal choice for those with limited kitchen space. Despite its compact size, the Bambino Plus does not compromise on the quality of espresso extraction, thanks to its precise temperature control and optimal water pressure, which ensure optimum extraction temperature for full-bodied coffee with rich and complex flavors.

In addition to its space-saving design, the Bambino Plus offers a simple interface that belies its sophisticated capabilities. From the PID temperature control to the low pressure pre-infusion and volumetric shot control, every aspect of the espresso making process is fine-tuned to deliver a consistently high-quality brew. The single wall filter baskets further contribute to the machine's ability to cater to the nuanced preferences of espresso aficionados, allowing for the use of freshly ground beans to achieve the ideal dose and flavor profile. This level of control and customization is what sets the Bambino Plus apart from other entry-level machines.

Here Are the Breville Line of Espresso Machines

Breville Bambino Plus Espresso Machine,64 Fluid Ounces, Brushed Stainless Steel, BES500BSS

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Breville Barista Express Espresso Machine, Brushed Stainless Steel, BES870XL, Large

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Breville Barista Touch Espresso Machine, 67 fluid ounces, Brushed Stainless Steel, BES880BSS

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Comparison with Other Machines

When comparing this espresso machine to other home machines, the Breville Bambino Plus holds its own, especially considering its compact size and price point. It offers features that are often found in much more expensive machines, such as precise temperature control and an automatic steam wand. Its performance in delivering a quality espresso shot and milk froth is on par with larger and more costly counterparts.

The Verdict on Milk Froth & Latte Art

The Breville Bambino Plus excels in creating true microfoam milk, which is essential for latte art. The automatic milk frother takes the guesswork out of the process, allowing even novice users to achieve a velvety texture. The consistency of the milk froth is a testament to the machine's superior design and functionality.

Optimal Extraction & Flavor Profile

The Breville Bambino Plus ensures that each cup of coffee has a rich and full flavor profile. The low pressure pre-infusion and precise temperature control work together to extract the complex flavors from freshly ground beans. The result is a cup of espresso that rivals those made by professional baristas.

Ease of Use & Learning Curve

For those new to making espresso at home, the Bambino Plus offers a gentle learning curve. The instruction booklet provides clear guidance, and the machine's simple interface means that users can start making espresso almost immediately. The hands-free milk frothing and easy-to-use controls make it an excellent choice for beginners.

Longevity & Durability

Breville machines are known for their longevity, and the Bambino Plus is no exception. The high-quality materials and solid construction suggest that this espresso maker is built to last. Regular cleaning and maintenance will ensure that the machine continues to perform at its best for years to come.

Accessories & Additional Features

The Bambino Plus comes with a range of accessories, including a stainless steel milk jug, single wall filter baskets, and a cleaning tool. These additional features add value to the machine and enhance the overall espresso-making experience. The inclusion of a single wall basket also allows for more control over the extraction process.

The Importance of Freshly Ground Beans

Freshly ground espresso beans

To get the most out of the Breville Bambino Plus, using freshly ground beans is crucial. The machine's performance is optimized when paired with high-quality beans that have been ground to the correct consistency. This ensures that the espresso has the rich and complex flavors that coffee enthusiasts crave.

The Bambino Plus & Sustainability

Breville has taken steps to ensure that the Bambino Plus is not only efficient but also environmentally friendly. The machine's energy-saving features and durable design mean that it has a smaller environmental footprint compared to other espresso machines. This commitment to sustainability is an important consideration for eco-conscious consumers.

Final Thoughts on the Bambino Plus

The Breville Bambino Plus espresso machine is a remarkable piece of equipment that brings professional-grade coffee into the home. Its combination of compact design, advanced features, and ease of use make it an attractive option for anyone looking to enjoy high-quality espresso without the need for a large or expensive machine.


The Breville Bambino Plus stands out as a compact espresso machine that doesn't compromise on quality or performance. With features like an automatic milk frother, precise temperature control, and a user-friendly interface, it caters to both novices and seasoned coffee aficionados. Its small footprint, energy efficiency, and durable construction make it a smart investment for any coffee lover.

Breville Bambino Plus Espresso Machine FAQ's

Q: Is the Breville Bambino Plus suitable for beginners? A: Yes, the Bambino Plus is designed with a simple interface that makes it accessible for beginners, while still offering customization options for more experienced users.

Q: How does the Bambino Plus compare to more expensive espresso machines? A: The Bambino Plus offers many of the same features as more expensive machines, such as precise temperature control and an automatic steam wand, making it an excellent value for its price.

Q: Can I use any type of milk with the Bambino Plus milk frother? A: Yes, the Bambino Plus milk frother is versatile and can be used with a variety of milk types, including dairy and non-dairy alternatives, to create the perfect froth for your beverages.

Hope you enjoy your Breville Bambino Plus Espresso Machine!


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